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Principal's Message

Welcome to Bee Meadow School!

Hanover Township has a long history of excellence that has inspired our students throughout the years. 

It is both a privilege and an honor to work with the exceptional staff, promising students, and positive, supportive parents of this community.

The staff at BMS is a professional, dedicated, and caring group of individuals who foster positive learning climates within their classrooms and throughout the school building. Students are guided through the rigorous curriculum utilizing differentiated instruction techniques. Our language arts program, Journeys in grades 3-5, and Superkids! in Kindergarten- Grade 2, continues to provide students with the opportunity to become better readers and writers as they navigate through the multi-year curriculum.  The math program, enVisionMath, has been used for several years in all grade levels. This program, as well as all curriculum, correlates to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and provides students with an interactive learning process. 

Our Character Education program continues to provide students time to focus on the Six Pillars of Character (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship). Guided lessons and small group discussions will assist our students in developing their social skills and the tools necessary to become better citizens.

I encourage everyone to become an active member of the PTA. There are many opportunities for the community to get involved in the various programs that are sponsored by the PTA, i.e., lunch program, field trips, fundraising, book fair, etc. 

I look forward to an enjoyable and successful school year for the BMS family!

Darrin Stark

Picture of Principal for Bee Meadow School